Knights of Columbus #17559

Welcome to the newest council in the Diocese of Tulsa – Council 17559. 

We hold our council meetings the 2nd Saturday of the month after at 10am. 

We are highly active council and encourage you to join us and help us proclaim the Kingdom of Christ the King. To date, we have held the following events:

  1. 2 Pancake breakfasts after Masses
  2. Presented on the Mass in the Extraordinary Form to the Knights Auxiliary at the 2021 State Convention
  3. Started the annual Knights of Columbus Parish Picnic and BBQ
    1.  Raised $3000 for support of seminarians and religious and local pro-life organizations
  4. Provided meals to the homeless
  5. Support of meal train program

This is all in less than a year! Help us bring the corporal works of mercy alive and join us today! Reach out to a Knight in the parish or follow the link below to sign up online. Let them know you want to join Council 17559. We hope to see you soon and to call you a Brother Knight!

Vivat Jesus!

Brother Knights – Do you need to pay your membership dues? We can now accept dues via credit and debit cards. Us the Paypal button below to pay for you dues!